Overview of Core Applications

Waiting List Insights
  • Demographic breakdown of waiting list by Provider, Place, PCN & Practice, stratified for risk of an adverse outcome.
  • Create bespoke cohort using waiting time, specialty, condition, demographics, protected characteristics and many other variables.


Waiting List Insight
Waiting List Insight


Enhanced Case Finding
  • Ability to search GP-registered patients in Cheshire & Mersey ICS (~2.5m)
  • Stratify patients by demographics, conditions, service utilisation, risk and other variables.
  • Shows a population level view but also has the ability to drill to patient level.


Enhanced Case Finding


ICS Population Health
  • Central hub for CIPHA population health dashboards.
  • Provides demographic and geographic breakdown of key population health indicators inc.
  • Includes NHS Health checks and All Fairer Together (Marmot), NHS Health checks, CORE20PLUS5, starting/ living/ aging well and more.


ICS Population Health


Fuel Poverty
  • Informs planning for winter re patients potentially affected and interventions required.
  • Shows ‘cold homes’ and enables segmentation by geography, conditions and risk scores.
  • Includes LSOA fuel poverty data and household energy performance certificates.

Fuel Poverty

Mental Health Explorer
  • Provides levels of prevalence, demographic insights and epidemiological make up of mental health cohorts, including general MH, SMI, suicide, self-harm.
  • Visualises demographic breakdown and comorbidity profile of these cohorts.

Mental Health Explorer

CVD, Stroke & Respiratory
  • Large suite of metrics to support CVD, Stroke & Respiratory prevention.
  • View geographic and demographic breakdown of any metric.
  • All metrics filterable by standard demographic, geographic and diagnosis data points.

CVD, Stroke & Respiratory Insights