Data use

Linking data in Cheshire and Merseyside

We are working to bring together (or 'link') data from services across Cheshire and Merseyside. This will help health and care organisations in Cheshire and Merseyside understand the needs of the local population and inform and improve services in the region.

Here is an overview of data linked in Cheshire and Merseyside:

Data currently linked:
  • General practice
  • Community services
  • Mental health services
  • Hospitals
  • 999 and 111
  • NHS Digital
  • Public/national data sets
  • Social care.
Data that will be linked soon:
  • Housing and homelessness
  • Enhanced NHS 111 and 999
  • Pathology and microbiology
  • Cancer (acute oncology)
  • Blood pressure and vitals
  • Enhanced mortality
  • NHS Digital: mental health, child and adult social care.
Data we are exploring:
  • Community waiting lists
  • Radiology
  • Cancer screening
  • Acute prescribing
  • Education
  • Drugs and alcohol.

Current research in progress in Cheshire and Merseyside

The data-sharing register lists all research projects that are approved to use health data through the Cheshire and Merseyside Secure Data Environment.

It shows what researchers are doing with the data so patients and members of the public can feel confident it is only being used in the right way and for the right reasons.

Data sharing register

Project name


Date of approval

Data used

Where data is used

Responding to National Patient Safety alerts for valproate and topiramate drugs

Two National Patient Safety alerts mandated new measures for the use of valproate (a series of drugs used to manage epilepsy and bipolar disorder) and topiramate (a drug used to treat migraine symptoms). A dashboard has been developed for clinical specialists to identify patients who need medication reviews as a result of these changes.

More information:


Cheshire and Merseyside GP and secondary care data 


Understanding the causes of diabetic lower limb amputations

This study aims to prevent unnecessary lower limb amputations linked to diabetes. This is done by reviewing areas of best practice and where improvements can be made to provide consistently better outcomes.

It started in response to an NHS Resolution study in June 2022 which reviewed clinical negligence claims for diabetes and lower limb complications, focusing on understanding the causes of above-the-ankle lower limb amputations. These amputations often start with ulceration and so are potentially preventable.

More information: NHS Resolution.


Cheshire and Merseyside GP and Secondary care data

 St Helens

Preventing violent crime

Cheshire Police and NHS Cheshire and Merseyside are working together to reduce crime by analysing hospital attendances related to violence. Alerts are created that can then be followed up by the youth navigator team.

More information: 
The Navigator Programme


Cheshire and Merseyside GP, secondary care, community, social care and mental health data 

ICB wide 

Home monitoring to avoid hospital admissions

Some patients with heart conditions and COPD can be monitored at home using specialist equipment. If their condition deteriorates, healthcare professionals are alerted to provide appropriate care.

Population health management data is being used to target this remote monitoring for patients where it will have the greatest impact.



Cheshire and Merseyside GP data

 ICB wide

Liverpool Care Coordinators

Care Coordinators support people with complex health conditions to stay out of hospital. Population health management data is used to proactively identify suitable patients in Liverpool for this service, rather than this having to be processed by GPs.



Liverpool GP, secondary care, community, social care and mental health data


PID Access for Sefton Care Coordinators

Care Coordinators support people with complex health conditions to stay out of hospital. Population health management data is used to proactively identify suitable patients in Sefton for this service, rather than this having to be processed by GPs.



Sefton GP, secondary care, community, social care and mental health data


Impact of COVD-19 on Breast Cancer

A study analysing the impact of COVID-19 on patient outcomes of women diagnosed with breast cancer before, during and after the height of the pandemic across Cheshire and Merseyside.

The plan is to analyse data to determine the impact of COVID-19 on patient delays to diagnosis and treatment, stage at diagnosis, treatment type and 1 year mortality from date of diagnosis for each of the three referral pathways (primary, secondary, NHS Breast Cancer Screening Programme) considering age, ethnicity and social economic status. 

The aim is to review how NHS Cheshire & Merseyside reacted to COVID-19, with results to be presented to local cancer services.


Cheshire and Merseyside GP, secondary care and north west cancer waiting list data as well as national secondary care and mortalities data

ICB wide

Safe and Well hot spots analysis

Cheshire and Mersey Fire and Rescue Services are working with NHS Cheshire and Merseyside to proactively visit homes most at risk of having an accidental fire. 

The data required for this is already in place, but GP practices are being asked to sign a data sharing agreement to support this work. Once that is complete a dashboard will be created, giving properties risk scores based on health and wellbeing factors in the NHS data. This score is calculated internally in the NHS. Nobody from the fire services will be given access to identifiable personal information.


Cheshire and Merseyside GP data

ICB wide

Healthy Air for Healthy Lungs - Indoor Air Quality Improvement Project

St Helens Borough Council and Warrington Borough Council are working to improve indoor air quality.


Around 250 households in areas of deprivation will be given an indoor air quality monitor, have an indoor air quality assessment and receive health education and advice. This will be specifically targeted to households with children aged two to 10 years old that have an underlying respiratory illness, such as asthma.


This research is funded by a grant from the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs and will work across six Air Quality Management Areas - four in St Helens and two in Warrington.


St Helens and Warrington GP Data and National secondary care data

St Helens and Warrington

Cheshire West Care Coordinators 

Care coordinators, complex case managers and team managers will be given access to patient identifiable data for the practices they are embedded in. This enables proactive care for vulnerable patients and will be used in regular multi-disciplinary team meetings with practice staff. 



Cheshire West GP, secondary care, community, social care and mental health data 

 Cheshire West

Diabetic Eye Screening -  Wirral

The Access to Enhanced Case Finding Dashboard is being used to support individuals with a learning disability to access diabetic eye screening.

The screening team are able to access patient identifiable data to contact patients in a direct care setting, offering reasonable adjustments and easy read information as required. The team currently has access to similar data for hospitals.



Wirral GP data


Beyond CYP Transformation Programme Population Health Planning

Child social care data has been requested to make it easier to support young people with complex needs in health and social care settings.


The Beyond programme, which is leading the Appropriate Places of Care work across Cheshire and Merseyside, has identified pressures on systems as a result of young people being placed in settings not suited to meeting their needs.


Programmes of system-wide change are working on addressing this, with access to this data being part of that to alleviate previous challenges of getting it from individual providers.


Cheshire and Merseyside GP, mental health data and national secondary care data for children and young people only

ICB wide

Networked Data Lab (NDL) – Elective Waiting List management and Housing and Health study

The Data into Action Programme and the Civic Health Innovation Lab at Liverpool University are working with the Health Foundation to evaluate the impact of elective surgery waiting lists and housing on health.


This is part of a national study collaborating with four other university data labs.


The insights will be used to identify local Cheshire and Merseyside interventions to support waiting list management and improve the health of patients waiting for surgery.



Cheshire and Merseyside GP, secondary care, social care data, and national secondary care, community, mental health, waiting list and mortality data

ICB wide